According to one study, physical strength-training helps improve the sleep quality of breast cancer patients during radiation therapy.
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According to one study, physical strength-training helps improve the sleep quality of breast cancer patients during radiation therapy.
Read Article01.11.2017
Publications of nine "highly cited researchers" of Heidelberg University were among the world's most cited, according to an international evaluation. Thus, Heidelberg University is excellently positioned and the most successful University in Germany.
Read Article01.11.2017
The Department for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at Heidelberg University Hospital was distinguished for outstanding commitment in the area of radiation protection during computed tomography. In Heidelberg, radiation levels have remained markedly below the nationally stipulated levels of Germany.
Read Article07.08.2017
The Department of Dermatology offers larva therapy to relieve wounds of dead tissue. This acts more efficiently and less painfully than surgical interventions for chronic, open wounds.
Read Article01.08.2017
The Department of Neurosurgery converts to a digital OR management system. Data networking within the operating room enables further improvements in brain surgery.
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